Agreement signed with IFOAM.
During the XI CIAO Assembly in the Dominican Republic, it signed an agreement with OIRSAs and that year the agreement with FIBL was also signed.
X CIAO Assembly in Cuzco, Peru, an agreement is signed with Ecovalia and that same year Portugal also joined as a permanent observer.
IX Assembly in Portland, USA, endorses the framework agreement between INTERECO and CIAO.
The Assembly approves Spain’s incorporation as a permanent Observer Member of the ICOA. (ii) Ecuador is elected President of the ICOA Board of Directors, following Argentina’s eight-year presidency.
The Authorities for the Development of Organic Production become part of the ICOA at the ICOA Seventh Regular Assembly, held in Quito, Ecuador.
The ICOA and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) sign a Technical and Administrative Cooperation Agreement. The U.S. becomes a full member of the ICOA commission.
The First Assembly of the ICOA is held in San José, Costa Rica and its first Board of Directors is elected. The Bylaws of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture are approved via Resolution IICA/JIA/Res.455 (XV-O/09).
The Bylaws of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture are approved ad referendum by the Inter-American Board of Agriculture, via Resolution IICA/CE/Res. 506 (XXIX-0/09).
The "First Meeting of the Network of Competent Authorities on Organic Agriculture of the Americas” is held in Lima, Peru.
The Network of Competent Authorities on Organic Agriculture of the Americas is established as the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (ICOA) via Resolution IICA/CE/Res. 484 (XXVIII-0/08).
At a meeting held in Managua, the Network of Competent Authorities on Organic Agriculture of Latin America and the Caribbean is created.
The “First Meeting of Competent Authorities on Organic Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean” is held in Managua, Nicaragua.
The Hemispheric Organic Agriculture Program (PHAO) of IICA promotes the organization of a meeting between the Competent Authorities on Organic Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.